Cheatsheet to Beat the Robot Overlords: The ATS Game

Do you feel like applying online for jobs is like shouting into the void? Like your resume is in some deep dark database, never to be found?

Have you sent countless applications and heard crickets? 🦗

Yep, there’s a good chance you're being outfoxed by the notorious ATS - the Applicant Tracking System. Think of it as a bouncer who's very particular about who gets in. Don't despair! It's time to get crafty and turn the tables on the ATS. Here's how you can make sure your resume lands in human hands.

1. Keyword Magic: It’s All About the Match

The ATS loves to play matchmaker. It scans your resume for keywords that align with the job description. Don’t just sprinkle keywords; incorporate them naturally. Instead of saying "Handled sales,” go for "Managed a sales team leading to a 15% growth."

2. Say No to Tables, Graphics, and Fancy Fonts

While we all love a sprinkle of pizzazz, the ATS? Not so much. It can get confused by tables, the computer can't read graphics, and might find fancy fonts undigestible. Remember, it’s a computer that only understands bytes. Stick to standard resume formats and fonts. Save the pretty resumes for the interviewer!

3. File Type: Keep it Simple

While PDFs maintain your format and look nice, many ATS systems are best at reading .txt or .doc/.docx formats only.

4. Skill Synonyms: Unleash the Thesaurus

The same skill might have different names. You might say "budgeting," but the ATS is on the lookout for "financial forecasting." Use a mix of synonyms from the job description to cover your bases.

5. Tailor, Tailor, Tailor!

One-size-fits-all? Not in clothing and not in resumes! Customize your resume for each position. It may take time but the results are worth it!

6. The Section Saga: Standard is Stellar

Use standard section headings like "Experience," "Education," and "Skills." The ATS expects these. Avoid getting fancy with headers like "Where I Excelled" or "Life Schooling." Remember, you are working with a computer, not a human here.

7. Apply Directly: Avoid Third-Party Sites

While job boards are great for discovering openings, it’s best to apply directly on the company’s site. There are many “fake” jobs and scams out there so open a new tab and type in the company website to apply.

8. Spell-Check, Spell-Check, Spell-Check

A minor typo might escape the human eye, but the ATS will catch it, and it won’t be forgiving. Triple-check your resume. Better yet, use the computer spell-check feature before submitting.

9. Nail the Basics

Ensure basic details, especially contact information, are correctly placed at the top and not in the header. Many ATS systems overlook or do not read headers and footers.

Final Thought...

Remember, while the ATS might seem like a formidable gatekeeper, it's just a tool designed to filter applications. Your real audience? The human on the other side, waiting to be wowed by your accomplishments.


Thinking Waaaayyyy Outside the Box


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